
文 / LUPA












Raven Strands and White Dreams

Exhibition foreword by Lupa



It wasn’t until I became a mother, did I start to be aware of a unique delicateness and tenderness, peaceful but joyful like Maurice Ravel’s Ma Mère l'Oye or a whispering monologue in the lingering notes of an ancient string instrument.


One stroke after another, a bit after a bit, my emotions spread through neurons and muscle fibers, murmuring at the tips of my fingers and dancing on the paper like a child with a restless soul running endlessly on the grassland. This is my longing for eternal beauty in a colorful sea of flowers and also a farewell to youth that I once tightly held on to.

Raven strands (dark hairs as the ancients once called them), blue silk threads, horse reins, a young girl, strings, drooping willow and vines happen to coincide subtly with the elements and strokes appearing in this series depicting the velvety land in Chinese ink and blue gouache.



White, the convergence of seven colors, is the purest and brightest of all colors.

Dreams are a state of reverie at dawn and dusk.


The air nurtures the colorful flowers rooted in the soft grassy land caressed by the wind. The old gouache images on the fine glossy rice paper under layers of blended colors require gentle rubbing after they are moisturized, like one after another quiet ritual to cover and say goodbye to the past gradually.

The paper is fragile, but that’s exactly where the appeal lies. On the mica-like sheen, layers of pigments are stacked up over time like mountains with mysterious past stories in between.

Standing on the grass, you know not if the sheen at the moment comes from the carcasses of dead insects or the sparkle of minerals inside and if the filth at the moment comes from rotten flower stems or the bodies of living creatures inside.